Sunday, 8 February 2009

Diary Dates

Ok so what with a throat infection and all of last week's snow I haven't seen much of my classes recently, which is a real shame.
Hopefully you've all kept up with the work I've set, particularly years 10 and 11 which it is so important to stay on top of.
Firstly a reminder. Year 10 modules are on the 4th March. i.e. 10 days after half term which is nearly upon us. If you haven't started revising yet then now is the time to put those hours in.
Expect past papers for homework and class practice.
For Year 11 I have had a standing Tuesday/Thursday revision session at lunchtimes for a while now, though this has not yet been well attended. For the next two school weeks I am giving this slot over to my 2 triple science groups in year 10. Bring your problems and misunderstandings to my room on Tuesday and Thursday lunchtimes, please.
See links lower inthe blog for revision ideas....