Tuesday 18 November 2008

How about a Science Blog?

OK so this is the first post on this blog and as I'm completely new to this stuff you'll see that it is likely to change quite rapidly for a while. Why did I start this up? For some time I've been thinking of ways to help students a little on their way. I had thought of producing a science website but time and lack of knowledge meant this never really got off the ground. In any case, if it's a general science resource that's wanted, we can all use the Internet to find out that sort of stuff so what would really be the point?
Then a number of students asked me about setting up a blog site. My first reaction was '' a what site?'' Then I spoke to my ICT-expert 13 year old who gave me a very detailed marketing spiel on the pros cons and how to's. Forty minutes later I was left thinking how difficult could it be then?
Well now I'm dipping my toe in to the great pond of cyber-space for the first time so here it goes...
I can already hear the shouts of ''Welcome to the 21st century, Sir!'' coming from the back row.

This blog will try to be what you want it to be. I'll do my best to add and delete stuff regularly but for now I thought best to get it started and see how it goes....

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